This was a photo of a statues head that i took at the Bristol Meseum. I then put in on the computer and printed the photo off in colour. Then i photocopied it and used it as the base to work on top of. Then tore up the original colour photograph and stuck it over the photocopied picture to make this collage.
For my second piece of work i started by studying some of Picasso's sketches. This picture is a self portrait of Picasso. The thing i liked about this picture was that i liked the way he sketched the hair strips, they start off dark and it goes light as the hair gets lighter. I used this picture as an inspiration for my next piece.

This is my version of Picasso's self portrait. I started by sketching my own larger picture of Picasso's self portrait, I then started adding ripped up black and white newspaper and stuck it down as my background. I then used my sketch to cut out templates out of brown paper of each piece of the face and then stuck them down to create the picure of Picasso's self portrait that i drew, then i went round the edges with a thick black pen to make it stand out more.
Yo, Both portraits are pretty impressive. Even on your blog they appear to be very tactile and textural, which on a flat canvas is very satisfying. Both of them are quite dark/ almost forboding and seem to imply that something uncomforable has happened or will happen. Very cool.
I'm well impressed by the thought, effort and commitment that went into both of these pieces. You'll go far!
WOW! Your version of the statue is stupendous, and you've absolutely positively captured the essence of Picasso. Can't wait to see more of your work.
The treatment on the statue head is brilliant! In fact, inspiring.
As "sammy'sdot" says, you will go far.
I too liked the statue's head. It has a haunting visage, as if there is a face locked behind, always forced to view life from outside.
Your work is impressive. I like the descriptions almost as much.
Hi Adam
I just got this message from Mac who wanted to comment on your work but didn't have a log-in for Blooger so couldn't post it. We can allow anyone to post comments on your blog but will need to do that next time we meet next week.
Here is Mac's comment!
For what it is worth, I, a US Citizen 81 years of age, liked
most of what I saw. The art history of several of the
pieces was most interesting. I've painted a bit myself over
the years, but have never used the assembly technique many
of the participants described. It looks most interesting,
and I think I may give it a try myself. Keep up the good
Both "Heads" are very powerful.
Don't stop now.
Have a look at a sculptor friend of mine.
Too easy to waffle on in an artyfarty way.
Geoff Powell.
fabulous piece of work - head sculpture. Rerminded me when I was recently driving thorough a tunnel near Barcelona and a similar thing had been done with silver work on the interior of the tunnel. Fantasitc!!
Denise (ex peer of Luke's - ICT PCET)
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