Tuesday, 20 May 2008

7/4/08 - Audience member

This is the begining of our arts award,
these are photos of where we
discussed - being an audience member, Artist yourself, looking at arts heroes or artists we really like and being an arts apprentice.

In these photographs im discussing with Desmond what we was going to do and a photograph of Aaron wth a
pink camera!

We went out and about in Bristol and took
photographs of things that interested us,
like this one sculpture of rings by the childrens hospital

We also visited the bristol museum and
looked at the exhibitions that were there.
I like this photo because it has nice patterns
and colours on the vase.

1 comment:

autumnlady said...

Nice work! I particularly liked the information you provided on Zenz. This is an artist I wasn't familiar with and you've shown me some of his work. I think the birds are wonderful! Thanks for the lesson!